Month: July 2024
The new Government has confirmed that the FHL tax regime will end from 6 April 2024, with the tax treatment of FHL being the same as that for the rental of other residential properties.
Student Loan Debt
Written by Tony Shackleford on .
Since 2010 the average student loan debt has increased from £16,000 to £48,000. This may well explain the last governments lengthing of the repayment period form 30 years to 40 years.
Kings Speach
Written by Tony Shackleford on .
In our view, the 2 most significant announcements in the Kings Speah to Parliament were:
a) The imposition of VAT on private school fees, which will increase school fees by 1/6th.
b) The announcement...
Company Formation Changes
Written by Tony Shackleford on .
Following on from the recent significant increase in the fee Companies House charge for incorporation of a new company (the incrrease was in excess of 400%), identity checks are to be significvantly...
Tax Changes Forecast For New Government
Written by Tony Shackleford on .
Before the election the Institute of Fiscal Studies announced that the new government would have to significantly reduce spending or increase taxes, ot both in order to control government debt.
Capittal Gains Tax, Inheritance Tax, Tax changes, Tax increase, Tax Increase foloowing general election, Tax Labour Government, Vat